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Please Help Us Pay For Therapy For Black ParentPreneurs

Updated: Nov 30, 2020

As you know, GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement that gives everyone the power to make a positive change in the lives of others and is something anyone can do.

At the ParentPreneur Foundation, our mission is to empower Black ParentPreneurs to be the best parent and entrepreneur possible, so they can leave a legacy for their beautiful Black children. Since we started the foundation four months ago with a $50,000 seed grant from Venture Capitalist, Brad Feld, we created $200,000 of value for members of our fast-growing community.

We did things like:

  1. Create a safe space where Black ParentPreneurs can be seen and heard.

  2. Give $60,000 in AWS cloud server credits.

  3. Meet with Seth Godin and provide scholarships to his marketing workshop.

  4. Give away $1,000 in Focus Brands food gift cards.

  5. Give a total of $20,000 in grants to twenty foundation members.

  6. Pay for therapy for members of our community.

That last item is what we are most proud of.

According to Columbia University, Black people are 20% more likely to have mental health issues than white people. And with everything going on around Covid, virtual schooling, and the racial trauma we experience watching Black people get gunned down by the police, things are tough for many of us right now.

Then there's the additional issue of us being parents + entrepreneurs, which is a unique situation most people simply can't understand.

And if the theories around epigenetics are true, Black people have 400 years of trauma bottled up in our DNA. So, paying for therapy for our Black ParentPreneur community is one of the most important things we can do right now.

And we can do it with your help this Giving Tuesday season.

Our goal is to raise $25,000.

Please make a tax-deductible contribution and empower us to continue empowering Black ParentPreneurs.

Thank you.

Kind regards, James Oliver, Jr.


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